Instantly access:
✅ Trillions of CRE, CMBS, & Multifamily data
✅ Borrower & ownership contact information
✅ Real-time alerts of distress & off-market deals
Precise CRE & Multifamily Data
Full coverage of the securitized market. Every market, every property type, every opportunity.
Cost & Workflow Breakthroughs
Save time, save money, create more deals faster.
Real-time Data & Alerts
Daily alerts highlighting the earliest signs of distress on any property.
True Owner & Borrower Data
Engage the principals immediately! Leverage the most accurate data in the industry. Names, emails, cell phones, addresses, and more.
Income & Expense Statements
Underwrite with confidence and ease using audited operating statements. Occupancy, lease expirations, and rollover included too.
Integrated Valuation and Refi Tools
Instantly value CRE assets and stress test loans. Dial in valuations and refi scenarios in minutes, not weeks.
"The only platform with accurate borrower contact info"
-Partner, Debt & Equity Advisory
"CRED iQ's data is essential for our team."
Executive Director, Top 5 Bank
"The best user-interface in the game"
Managing Director, Top CRE Brokerage
💠$2.3 trillion of CRE, Multifamily & CMBS loan data
💠Coverage of over 150 million properties
💠Loan balances, terms, maturity dates, and more
💠Borrowers, owners, lenders, and special servicers
💠Income & expense operating statements
💠Building, tenant, and lease data
💠Integrated valuation & refinance models
💠Historical data from 1995 to present day
💠Audited data from trustees & servicers
💠Plus much more...
CRED iQ is a market data provider that offers a robust suite of data and software solutions tailored for commercial real estate and finance professionals.
With over $2.3 trillion of CRE loans, CRED iQ delivers instant access to a comprehensive range of financial data and analytics for millions of properties in every market. CRED iQ’s data and analytical capabilities are instrumental in helping investors, lenders and brokers make informed and strategic decisions critical to their business.