Assessor Solutions 2

Valuation Solutions by CRED iQ

Over $2.3 trillion in audited CRE Loan and Property  data, 150 million Assessor records,  Built-in Valuation platform

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Assessor CRED iQ2

Trusted data and models for market trends & analysis.  Streamline CRE property valuation workflows with CRED iQ.  

Unmatched Data

> Over $2.3 trillion in CRE data and analytics to assess values more accurately for all CRE property types.
> Current and historical financials, loan terms, contact information, comps, benchmarks, cap rates, etc.
> Assessor data for over 150 million parcels – 90% of all counties in the United States.
> Actionable information for valuations, VAB hearings, lawsuits, etc.

CRED iQ Platform

> A built-in Valuation Suite of applications – fully transparent and streamlined.
> Direct Cap valuation models-- pre-populated and editable, then calibrated by you.
> Proprietary technology to help identify and build subject property comparable set.
> Plus much more...


We track it all!  Every Property Type, Every Market.


About Us

CRED iQ is a commercial real estate data, analytics, and valuation platform providing actionable intelligence to CRE and capital markets investors. Subscribers use the platform to identify valuable leads for leasing, lending, refinancing, distressed debt, and acquisition opportunities. 

The platform also offers a highly efficient valuation engine which can be leveraged across all property types and geographies. Our data platform is powered by over $2.0 trillion in transactions and data covering CRE, CMBS, CRE CLO, Single Asset Single Borrower (SASB), and all of GSE / Agency.